Test Wiki:Política de inactividad

From Test Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Test Wiki:Inactivity policy and the translation is 17% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

The following page documents an official Test Wiki policy.
This page has been elaborated and approved by the community or a system administrator and compliance with it is mandatory for all users. Changes to it should reflect consensus. In the case of a conflict between the English version and a translation, the English version takes precedence.


Cualquier administrador y burócrata que no tienen ediciones o acciones registradas durante tres meses serán degradado por inactividad. Pueden volver a solicitar los permisos a cualquier tiempo. Los derechos del steward o sysadmin será revocado después de un año de inactividad. Estos derechos puede ser restaurado después de una hora de ser revocados; de lo contrario, un voto de reconfirmación se llevará a cabo. Abuse filter administrators who have not edited an abuse filter in the last 3 months will also be demoted. They may re-request the rights at any time.

Stewards will be demoted after 6 months of inactivity. System administrators after a year.

These rights can be reinstated only after a reconfirmation vote.

Grace periods

Grace periods are an optional way of enforcing this policy. Grace periods involve making the inactive user's rights expire in 2 weeks when they would have otherwise been removed in 2 weeks. It adds extra notification to the inactive user, who can always change their rights back.