Test Wiki:Kebijakan Ketidak-aktifan

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Revision as of 08:40, 11 July 2024 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
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The following page documents an official Test Wiki policy.
This page has been elaborated and approved by the community or a system administrator and compliance with it is mandatory for all users. Changes to it should reflect consensus. In the case of a conflict between the English version and a translation, the English version takes precedence.


Setiap pengurus atau birokrat yang tidak mengedit atau mencatat tindakan dalam tiga bulan terakhir, akan diturunkan haknya karena tidak aktif. Mereka dapat meminta kembali hak tersebut kapan saja. Hak steward atau sysadmin akan dihapus setelah satu tahun tidak aktif. Hak-hak ini dapat dipulihkan setelah 1 jam dari hak tersebut dicabut; jika tidak, pemungutan suara konfirmasi ulang akan diadakan. Abuse filter administrators who have not edited an abuse filter in the last 3 months will also be demoted. They may re-request the rights at any time. Stewards will be demoted after 6 months of inactivity. System administrators after a year. These rights may be restored after 1 hour of them being removed; otherwise, a reconfirmation vote will be held.