Welcome to my userpage 
 | This user runs a bot, APBOT (contribs). It performs tasks that are extremely tedious to do manually. |
 | This user is male. |
Hello!, I am TheAstorPastor, or TheAP, or you can simply refer to me as Astor. I am an administrator, bureaucrat, interwiki administrator, and interface administrator here on TestWiki. I mostly try to help this Wiki by actively participating in discussions,creating and helping to write policies, making trivial grammatical changes all over the Wiki, granting permissions, creating MediaWiki gadgets, and much more!
What I do
Not just active here but also on Wikimedia projects and Miraheze, where I go by the names "TheAstorPastor" or "Harvici." I can help you with mostly everything, like assigning rights , blocking and unblocking users, and possibly giving out bad advice[sarcasm]. You are free to contact me through mail or Discord (username: astor.pastor), but if possible, please use the talk page for discussions. I am also a programmer and developer by passion, with expert knowledge in Java and Python and soon-to-be expert knowledge in JS and CSS.Still, I am a human, and I might make errors, Please acknowledge them as accidental and leave me a message on my discord (username: astor.pastor) or my talk page.