Test Wiki:Bots

From Test Wiki
Revision as of 15:30, 1 June 2024 by Justman10000 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Test Wiki:Bots")
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Bots are accounts that perform automated or semi-automated tasks. A bot flag hides its edits from RecentChanges, among other things. While this group can be tested with or used to hide mass minor edits from recent changes, please remove it from a human account when done testing or doing minor edits, and restore it to a legitimate bot account when done testing.

Legitimate bots are able to make edits very rapidly and can disrupt Test Wiki if they are incorrectly designed or operated. For these reasons please only operate a bot or bots if you know what you are doing and keep an eye on the bots' contributions.

This is one of the six default MediaWiki user groups, see :mw:Help:User rights and groups.

See also

Default Implizit: (alle)BenutzerAutomatisch bestätigte Benutzer
Gewährt/entzogen von
Administratoren Passive SichterAutomatisch kontrollierte BenutzerChat-ModeratorenBestätigte BenutzerKontrolleurePrüferÜbersetzungsadministratorenFür den Chat gesperrte Benutzer
Bürokraten BotsInterwiki-AdministratorenAdministratorenBürokraten
Stewards Missbrauchsfilter-AdministratorenAdministratorenBürokratenUnterdrückerBenutzeroberflächen-AdministratorenCheckuser-BerechtigteStewards
System administrators All groups above plus Test Wiki:System administrators and Test Wiki:Push subscription managers