Editing abuse filter

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Editing filter 28
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Filter ID:28


(publicly viewable)
(! "autoconfirmed" in user_groups | user_editcount < 500) & ! "bot" in user_groups & ! "sysop" in user_groups & ! "rollback" in user_rights & article_namespace %2 == 1 & ( /* This code will be done only while editing a discussion. */ action == "edit" & ! added_lines irlike "(?<!<nowiki>|~)~{4}(?!~)" & ( /* This code will only be done while no tildes are inserted. */ user_name != "Pathoschild" & ! summary rlike "(?:\A(?>Undo revision .*\bogjord|\[\[[^\|]+\|Reverted edits\]\] )|(?i)\b(?:after|o)?sign(?>ature|ation)(?-i))" & ! article_prefixedtext rlike ("\A(?i)User talk(?-i):" + rescape(user_name) + "(?:\/|\Z)") & ! ( added_lines irlike "{{ *(?:(?>Template|Template) *: *)?(?>Signature2?|Unsign(?>ed[23]?|t(?: post)?)|Unsigned) *\|[^\|{}]+\|[^\|{}]+(?>\||}})" & ! removed_lines irlike "{{ *(?:(?>Template|Template) *: *)?(?>Signature2?|Unsign(?>ed[23]?|t(?: post)?)|Unsigned) *\|[^\|{}]+\|[^\|{}]+(?>\||}})" ) & ( ts := int(timestamp); current_year := /* (ts >= 1893452400 ? "2030" : (ts >= 1861916400 ? "2029" : (ts >= 1830294000 ? "2028" : (ts >= 1798758000 ? "2027" : (ts >= 1767222000 ? "2026" : (ts >= 1735686000 ? "2025" : (ts >= 1704063600 ? "2024" : (ts >= 1672527600 ? "2023" : (ts >= 1640991600 ? "2022" : (ts >= 1609455600 ? "2021" : */ (ts >= 1577833200 ? "2020" : (ts >= 1546297200 ? "2019" : (ts >= 1514761200 ? "2018" : "2017")))/*))))))))))*/; ( "user" in user_groups & ! new_wikitext rlike ("\[\[ *(?i)(?>(?>User|User) *:|Special *: *Contributions\/)(?-i) *" + rescape(user_name) + " *\|[^\]]+\]\].{0," + string(length(user_name) + 50) + "} [123]?\d [jfmasond]\w{2,8} " + current_year + "\b") ) | ( ! "user" in user_groups & ! new_wikitext rlike ("\[\[ *(?i)Special *: *Contributions(?-i)\/ *" + rescape(user_name) + " *\|[^\]]+\]\] [123]?\d [jfmasond]\w{2,8} " + current_year + "\b") ) & ! new_wikitext rlike ("{{ *(?i)(?:(?>Template|Template) *: *)?(?>Signature|Unsign(?>ed3?|t(?: inlägg)?)|Unsigned)(?-i) *\| *" + rescape(user_name) + " *\| *[123]?\d [jfmasond]\w{2,8} " + current_year + "\b[^\|{}]{0,20}(?>\||}})") & ! new_wikitext rlike ("{{ *(?i)(?:(?>Template|Template) *: *)?(?>Signature2|Unsigned2)(?-i) *\| *[123]?\d [jfmasond]\w{2,8} " + current_year + "\b[^\|{}]{0,20}\| *" + rescape(user_name) + " *}}") ) ) )
Filter last modified:22:44, 10 July 2018 by Void (talk | contribs)
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