Test Wiki:Community portal

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Latest comment: 11 April 2024 by EPIC in topic 'Crat sysop first requirement
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The community portal is Test Wiki's village pump and noticeboards, two-in-one.

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Hello, I happy to here to discuss on my new proposal to make a mediawikipage for this this JavaScript that help to easily block and oversight or suppress the revision of block user, spammers. etc, this script is originally based on User:WhitePhosphorus/js/all-in-one.js of metawikimedia, but this script needed to modified them, then it's script ready for use on Tesrwiki.

  • I think User:Aviram7/js/all-in-one.js is move to mediawiki namespace, then add this script in gadget and allow to sysop, crats, stewards for use on you're preferences.

@MacFan4000, Dmehus, Drummingman, and Justarandomamerican: Thanks ~~ αvírαm|(tαlk) 08:36, 9 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

I would be fine with adding this as a gadget, but not on the common.js. X (talk + contribs) 10:10, 9 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
@X: Hello, Well! we have no probelm, If you like more gadgets for use, please see my common. js and this gadget is very helpful, firstly please test this js and then we think what can I do later?.

Thanks ~~ αvírαm|(tαlk) 12:41, 9 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

This gadget would likely need to be restricted to stewards due to just how powerful it is. Being able to revert all of a users edits, delete all the pages they've created, and block them in one click is simply a lot. X (talk + contribs) 18:40, 9 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
X, You're right this js script is very powerful Use of this JavaScript should only be allowed by stewards and not allowed to use by any other privileged persons. ~~ αvírαm|(tαlk) 03:56, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
I've commented it out of your common.js page for the moment, as it could cause some serious mayhem if used improperly. Ask me if you need a test performed. Justarandomamerican (talk) 14:42, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Justarandomamerican Hello, Thank you for removing this script from my common. js, I've already performed the after adding this script on my common. js, I think this js script is more useful for the stewards. Template:Thank ~~ αvírαm|(tαlk) 15:21, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Replace text

I've used it a lot in the past, and it saved a lot of time. But as of now, it's restricted to stewards. Why's that? Saint (talk) 04:43, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

It was found that a vandal who gained sysop rights could vandalize the Main Page or similarly important Steward protected pages using ReplaceText. I know it has a lot of utility for you, so feel free to send me a message on my talk page, or Drummingman on his with a request, ensuring that original text, new text, and namespace(s) are provided. Justarandomamerican (talk) 12:53, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
Is it possible to allow interface administrators to use it? X (talk + contribs) 13:16, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
I suggested that to MacFan when I originally opened a security task about the issue. Me personally, I think it would be better to create a separate group that's able to use it, as IA is primarily intended to allow editing of script pages, though I am fine with bundling it in to IA (and Stewards) along with creating a separate group. Justarandomamerican (talk) 13:19, 10 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

'Crat sysop first requirement

@EPIC, X, and DR: as interested persons. Recently, upon DR requesting bureaucrat, they were given it without first being an administrator. EPIC removed the crat right, and X restored it, stating that the requirement was pointless. To prevent a wheel war, I think it's best to set down community consensus on the issue. What do you, the reader, think of the requirement to be a sysop before being a bureaucrat? Justarandomamerican (talk) 03:33, 11 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

@Justarandomamerican: I've support you're thoughts, This is test wiki not Wikipedia, we are here to testing of specific permission, firstly If any new user request for both rights, then firstly grant only sysop permission but not crats, because sysop have more permission on his group, crats is most important permission on the wiki, I don't understand why both user's make editwar in removing or adding crats permission from @DR, who received both permission after reviewing his request by an other crats. ~~ αvírαm|(tαlk) 04:24, 11 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
I personally think that just like on other test wikis, there should some kind of requirement before being able to request crat, either an edit requirement (maybe something like 10 edits before being able to request bureaucrat would be a fair requirement if so?), or a requirement of a specific amount of days of having sysop before requesting crat (a day or two perhaps), or maybe a mix of both of those requirements.
The reason I think so is because unlike on other test wikis, the crat permission is quite powerful and can remove both bureaucrat and sysop rights. If it's given very liberally it can be quite dangerous. Now, I know DR from Wikimedia and they are a trusted user who I certainly don't think would abuse the bureaucrat rights, so I have nothing against them having crat. But, I don't have any intents to wheel war, the permissions have been given back and it can remain so. EPIC (talk) 08:10, 11 April 2024 (UTC)Reply