Test Wiki: Bureaucraten

From Test Wiki
Revision as of 13:55, 15 August 2023 by Drummingman (talk | contribs)

Bureaucraten zijn gebruikers die massaal pagina's kunnen verwijderen (nuke), bureaucraat, beheerders- en botrechten kunnen toevoegen en verwijderen. En enkele meer geavanceerde beheerdersrechten kunnen uitvoeren met de SocialProfile en aanverwante extensies. Het gebruikersrecht bureaucraat kan worden toegekend op verzoek, aanvragers moeten dan wel eerst een beheerder zijn. Bureaucraatrechten zijn vereist voor elke gebruiker die sysadmin of steward wil worden. Een automatisch gegenereerde lijst van alle rechten kan hier geraadpleegd worden. Dit is één van de zes standaard MediaWiki-gebruikersgroepen.

It is important to note that this role is a mostly testing role. Mostly in the sense that, from a technical perspective, it adds additional permissions that require an additional degree of trust and, so, with that level of trust, they can assist Stewards in preventing disruption to the wiki, which includes performing actions in a non-test capacity. That does not mean they should be issuing firmly worded warnings regarding user conduct that is non-urgent. Rather, unlike with administrator, which is entirely a testing role, they can assist in preventing disruption to the wiki, taking the minimal actions necessary, and referring longer term user restrictions or blocks, any sort of rights or user restrictions, and any sort of firmly worded warnings (i.e., "final warnings") to the Steward team. That is not to say they cannot provide gently worded guidance to users, however. As well, they can additionally make minor non-test changes to pages categorized at Category:Test Wiki policies, but if in doubt as to whether something is minor or possibly disputed, mainly by Stewards, they should leave it to Stewards.

Template:User Rights