Test Wiki:Community portal

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Revision as of 08:02, 26 August 2023 by Sav (talk | contribs) (Support)

The community portal is Test Wiki's village pump and noticeboards, two-in-one.

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Alternate proposal: Merging CheckUser and oversight to steward

Potential RfS candidate

Hello. I'm considering running for Stewardship sometime in the near future. I would be assisted greatly by the Steward tools, given that my main edits and logged actions consist of preventing abuse. I also think the community needs another Steward due to the fact that we have 3 Stewards, and only 1 is fully active, and a person cannot manage every Steward-reserved matter by themselves. I would add additional coverage to spot and prevent complex disruption, such as by users who lack the skills necessary to edit. My question is, what does the community think? Add feedback here in the Survey section below. Justarandomamerican (talk) 01:30, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply


I would support. You have handled your tools well here and on other wikis, and are trustworthy. Piccadilly (My Contribs | Talk to me) 01:32, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

I would not have any opposition to a potential run at some point in the near- to medium-term future. I would just recommend you articulate a clear need, invite questions from the community, and, perhaps, provide several situation-based examples to which you would articulate how you would handle those situations. As a Steward and an administrator of such elections, I will refrain from an expressing a view and stay neutral, so as to be impartial in any potential close. Dmehus (talk) 01:38, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

“With Drummingman's recent election to Steward, they are quite active here. Combined with my own resumption of being semi-active here, as well as MacFan4000, I feel there isn't a sufficient need for an additional Steward.” How is that different here? “I am not comfortable granting restricted permissions to someone I don't know, at least not without some on-wiki confirmation that they've held restricted tools on a Wikimedia, Miraheze, Fandom, or other major wiki or wiki farm. For Test Wiki is a recent launch, initiated as a protest wiki by one user who took issue with the way Public Test Wiki and/or Test Wiki are run. I do not consider holding restricted permissions on For Test Wiki to be sufficient demonstration that the user can be trusted.” How is that different either @Dmehus? X (talk) 01:45, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
The former: I have articulated a need for Stewards based on activity, as well as an individual need for the tools. The latter: I'm Justarandomamerican on Miraheze and Wikimedia, and collaborated with Dmehus on Miraheze. Note that this comment are my thoughts on the matter, not his. Justarandomamerican (talk) 02:06, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I know, but @Dmehus has expressed that he doesn’t think we need another steward, so I’m asking for clarification. X (talk) 02:16, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I said I think it would need to be well-articulated on what the requesting user plans to do. While ideally some sort of global role would be nice to demonstrate the user is trusted, I actually thought Justarandomamerican was a Wikimedia Global Rollbacker, but I think I was thinking of JavaHurricane, with whom I've also collaborated on Miraheze and Public Test Wiki. IMHO, it [rfc:2119 should] be some sort of local or global role on Miraheze, Wikimedia, or Fandom that demonstrates the user is sufficiently trusted. For Wikimedia, it can probably be a local role, whereas on Miraheze, I'd say either a Miraheze Meta Wiki local role, Public Test Wiki Consul, or a Miraheze global role (other than global IP block exemption). For Fandom, it should be a Fandom global community or staff role. Hope that clarifies. :) Dmehus (talk) 02:23, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I'm not a global rollbacker on WM as I have no need for that right at the moment, but I am an enwiki and simplewiki local rollbacker. I'm relatively trusted to prevent abuse. Justarandomamerican (talk) 02:27, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

I would weak oppose, as you aren't super trusted on wikimedia, and there isn't a need, though I would consider supporting if you held a higher trust role on wikimedia (i.e template editor, massmessage sender, new pages reviewer, edit filter helper, page mover, file mover, autopatrol), or a high trust global role, as I'd rather see some form of trustworthy role, as rollback isn't that highly sanctioned. Zippybonzo (talk) 07:13, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

The supposedly higher trust roles you describe are for a need and competency in entirely different areas: I'm not experienced enough to be a template editor, have no need to be a mass message sender, NPR is a user group assisting in dealing with content, not conduct, etc. Justarandomamerican (talk) 13:15, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
That makes sense. I’d say wait. Given that my RfS just failed with multiple people expressing that they don’t think a 4th steward is needed at all. X (talk) 13:27, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Well, there appears to be, given the fact that there are only 3 Stewards and only 1 is fully active. I plan on waiting a bit anyways. Justarandomamerican (talk) 13:39, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Well, there are plenty of roles that aren't for an explicit need, they show you can be trusted, you have 2500 edits on wikimedia, which isn't very many, and I'd rather you had higher trust levels on other wikis. Zippybonzo (talk) 19:00, 5 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
How is making 2500 edits not very many? Only 30% of registered Wikipedia users ever make one. Justarandomamerican (talk) 19:39, 5 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I've got around 6000 which isn't very many, I'd expect more like 7500. Zippybonzo (talk) 15:49, 8 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I was inviting you to explain why that isn't enough, as that's more than 99.5% of all registered contributors, and I am seeking the position for an individual need for tools to prevent abuse. Justarandomamerican (talk) 15:56, 8 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
You don’t have a need for the tools, you have full access to the suite of admin tools which is enough to prevent abuse. I’m simply saying, that rollback isn’t that high trust, as they give it out to anyone who has a history of anti vandalism and meets the requirements, and 2500 edits is more than most users, but for a right giving access to look at IP addresses, I’d expect more trust on other wikis when the right isn’t entirely required. Zippybonzo (talk) 12:50, 9 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I could say that nobody actually requires the tools. Dmehus doesn't actually have a need to look up IPs, but was given the toolkit anyways. Cross-wiki trust barely matters in a small community, or even a large one. Nobody judges a scowiki admin candidate on the basis that they only have rollback on enwiki. Nobody judges an enwiki admin for only having rollback and patroller on metamiraheze. Why is this required when I have a track record right here of making perfectly fine decisions? Simply put: if a candidate has a track record of making good decisions on the wiki they are requesting permissions, they are trusted, even if they have a bit lower trust elsewhere. Rollback on enwiki? Sure, it's a bit lower trust, but it does add to a case of a totality of the circumstances trustworthiness, which I say exists based on my track record here and elsewhere. Justarandomamerican (talk) 00:41, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
IMO a few of your decisions are far from good, which is why I’d want a right on another wiki that needs you to make good decisions. You still have no need for the right though, as there is 1 active steward, 1 semi-active steward, and a rarely active steward. Zippybonzo (talk) 02:34, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Please point me to a diff of a poor decision I made so that I can improve. A semi-active steward and one rarely active steward? That's why I'm requesting, there needs to be at least a duo of active stewards to handle any requests, as 1 person who is active isn't enough in any circumstance involving CU evidence, LTAs, and other forms of abuse that cannot be combated with the admin toolkit alone. People need other people to ask for review actively, not just a pair of semi-active stewards.Justarandomamerican (talk) 03:39, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
No, I also said an active steward as well, they are enough, the decision that was not great IMO was on FTW when you and X decided to take away IP privacy from abusive users, I’m not going to use it against you as I heavily doubt that you came up with the idea of it, but, there are a few conditions under which I’d support stewardship.
If any of the following conditions are met.
  1. The wiki grows to the point where MacFan, Dmehus and Drummingman can’t prevent abuse.
  2. You are more highly trusted on other wikis (not test ones or ones that just give out high trust permissions).
  3. You show that you can perform actions similar to steward actions without significant opposition.
However IMO, 1 is so close to being met, that I’d probably support. Though I do consider this discussion to be pre discussion canvassing, you are a pretty highly qualified candidate, who inevitably I would have to support. Zippybonzo (talk) 06:37, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Relating to the privacy policy change, if you had a problem with the change, you should’ve said so in the waiting time before the policy took effect. I don’t consider this to be canvassing, given that they weren’t asking for support and it’s all public. I was looking on Wikipedia and it appears to be similar to wikipedia:Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Optional RfA candidate poll. X (talk) 10:56, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I did air the concern but it was ignored. Zippybonzo (talk) 11:48, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I believe your concern was addressed by compromise: We replaced IP addresses with ranges, which are vague as to specific location, and cannot be used to identify 1 person in particular. I understand the concern about privacy, but some form of amendment was required to prevent disruption, and immediately after your feedback I realized that blocking IP addresses may not be the best way to go about preventing disruption from sockpuppetry, so now the PP allows for range blocks of CU-found IPs, not specific ones like was originally planned by X. I used rather vague wording whilst discussing the topic of preventing disruption from sockpuppetry, resulting in a privacy concern. My apologies. I certainly didn't mean for specific IPs to be blocked. Justarandomamerican (talk) 14:42, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Amend Test Wiki:No open proxies to include colocation providers

Colocation providers also hide IPs, like proxies and webhosts, so they should logically be included. Change: "No open proxies, web hosts, or VPNs..." to "No open proxies, web hosts, VPNs, or colocation providers..." Justarandomamerican (talk) 18:45, 5 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

  Done as this is pretty uncontroversial and doesn’t warrant further discussion. X (talk) 16:21, 8 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Addition of interface admin protection level

I am proposing that interface administrator protection is added to help protect sensitive interface pages, i.e the sidebar and sitenotice pages, and also for protecting highly used templates. Zippybonzo (talk) 06:47, 10 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Block review of Piccadilly

I'd like to determine whether consensus believes that Piccadilly creating a blank talk page for a test page is worthy of a 3 month block from talk namespaces. In my opinion a block from talk namespaces is unneeded but instead a final warning, and a filter to warn upon creation of talk pages with a size under 256 bytes (a signature and a few words). For the record, this wiki is a test wiki, not the English Wikipedia, meaning people can test, and they aren't random talk pages, they are talk pages of test pages. Zippybonzo (talk) 11:16, 11 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Or possibly limit the creation to exclude certain words (I.e hello, hi, guys), also, blocking at the request of a steward is mad, as the stewards can block for themselves, they are sysops too and I'd like to see their name in the block log if they authorised the block, as you don't see MacFan telling someone else to update the wiki. Zippybonzo (talk) 11:21, 11 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Oppose changing the block. We’ve given Piccadilly so many changes and so many warnings. Why must we give another? I think the partial block is a good alternative to a indef full block. And there’s nothing wrong with blocking on the request of a steward because maybe they can’t get to a laptop or they’re very busy. I’ve done it before and there’s nothing wrong with it. X (talk) 12:33, 11 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Oppose changing the block as per X's comment. Sav • ( Edits | Talk ) 12:46, 11 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Comment: -- The blockage was not entirely at my request, only the change from 1 year to three months was made by Justarandomamerican at my request. Drummingman (talk) 14:07, 11 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Totally reasonable that they can somehow tell you to do it but not access their computer, I don’t think that’s a very good reason. Zippybonzo (talk) 02:12, 12 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

I'm neutral on the block, to be honest. I'm just glad it isn't an indefinite sitewide block. Piccadilly (My Contribs | Talk to me) 12:51, 12 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Piccadilly May I ask why you tested on talk pages again after many warnings? X (talk) 13:02, 12 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I'm not really sure to be honest. I can say that I wasn't thinking about possible consequences of my actions, which I know isn't an excuse. I think I need to make more of an effort to slow down and think about doing things rather than just rush into them like I tend to do. Piccadilly (My Contribs | Talk to me) 13:54, 12 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Alternate proposal: Prevent creation of talk pages but allow editing

I have an alternative proposal, to use an edit filter to prevent creation of talk pages for the remainder of the block, but allow editing. Any tampering with the filter will result in a desysop and 6 month block from all namespaces. Zippybonzo (talk) 12:29, 14 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

  Neutral. X (talk) 12:40, 14 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Support as the least restrictive method of preventing disruption at the moment. Justarandomamerican (talk) 12:43, 14 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Support Piccadilly (My Contribs | Talk to me) 12:52, 14 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Neutral. Sav • ( Edits | Talk ) 15:31, 14 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Support AlPaD (talk) 08:16, 15 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I believe this can be implemented now, and anyone may remove the block as soon as it is implemented. If they edit existing talk pages to test editing functions, the block may be reinstated by any Bureaucrat. Justarandomamerican (talk) 16:19, 17 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Implementing... could take a while as I haven't used filters like this in a while. Zippybonzo (talk) 04:04, 18 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Should be done, give me a bit of time to test it and I'll be back with a full result. Zippybonzo (talk) 04:10, 18 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  Done Zippybonzo (talk) 04:25, 18 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Proposal: Non steward CheckUser & Oversight/Suppressors

Hello, I am proposing non-steward check user and oversight/suppressors, whilst there isn't an active need for extra check users or suppressors as of now, in my opinion, if there are enough people able to perform the role, then they should be in the role as it's always better to have more people when you don't need them but to have none when you need them. Because the two roles are quite high trust, I am proposing the following requirements for each role.


  1. Basic understanding of IP addresses and ranges and CIDR syntax.
  2. Pass a vote on the community portal with either 80% support, or 70-80% at a steward's discretion.
  3. Have a good understanding of account security.
  4. Performing unnecessary or abusive checks will result in having your access revoked.


  1. Basic understanding of suppression criteria.
  2. Pass a vote on the community portal with either 80% support, or 70-80% at a steward's discretion.
  3. Have a good understanding of account security.

I believe that this is also a way for users to gain additional trust.

Being that the implementation of this could result in a lack of transparency with the community, I think that 2 additional groups should be added. These groups may not be added immediately,

non-steward-suppressorNon-steward suppressor

With the following rights:


Add groups to own account: Suppressor

Remove groups from own account: Suppressor

non-steward-checkuser Non-steward CheckUser

With the following rights:



Add groups to own account: Check user

Remove groups from own account: Check user

Thank you, Zippybonzo (talk) 13:00, 18 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Please remove X'interface admin rights

Request for System Administrator: Zippybonzo

Block review of Zippybonzo

Request for Stewardship: Justarandomamerican

I nominate myself for Stewardship due to there only being 1 regularly active Steward, Drummingman. MacFan4000 is semi-active, and Dmehus? He has not been active since the 3rd of July. I've been active here for quite a bit, and it's not really a great idea to have 1 active person taking care of most Steward maintenance tasks, so I volunteer to be the second. Account Security: I have a strong password securing my account and MFA enabled. Justarandomamerican (talk) 20:26, 18 August 2023 (UTC)Reply


Self-imposed FAQ

  1. When will you use the suppression toolset?
    I will use it in any of the following scenarios: Personally identifiable information of anyone being shared without their consent, PII of an apparent minor being shared, anything else that the public at large should not be able to view, as sysop rights are easy to obtain, that is the purpose of the wiki, and external links containing one of those three scenarios. Justarandomamerican (talk) 20:26, 18 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  2. When will you use the check user toolset?
    I will use it only to investigate, respond to, and/or prevent disruption such as sockpuppetry or vandalism, in accordance with the Privacy policy's abuse provision. Justarandomamerican (talk) 20:26, 18 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Other Questions

  1. . What is your take on off wiki/off site behavior impacting a user account here? Let's say on another wiki, unrelated to this site. Dusti (talk) 14:11, 19 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
    I do not feel it warrants a block or other action, unless it materially affects this wiki, such as off-wiki harassment by a contributor to another contributor, or if, in the totality of the circumstances, it could result in disruption here. Justarandomamerican (talk) 14:36, 19 August 2023 (UTC)Reply


  1. I'll kick this off with your first support. Dusti (talk) 01:36, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  2. Trusted user. AlPaD (talk) 07:08, 26 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  3. Trusted and experienced user. Sav • ( Edits | Talk ) 08:02, 26 August 2023 (UTC)Reply



  1. I’m going to be neutral here, and I feel that Justa should withdraw this and wait. A wiki that the candidate and I were stewards on was recently closed because of actions taken by the steward team. I don’t think that starting an RfS on another TestWiki days after another one was closed, partially because of our actions, is a good look or idea. X (talk) 01:57, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
    This has been discussed at length in private by us two and ZB, a user who is de facto banned by the community on this wiki (declined block review) due to their actions, and it was decided that the closure was wrong overall. Justarandomamerican (talk) 02:06, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes, but that is our personal opinions, not the opinion of the site creator and operator. In his opinion, we completely ruined the wiki. Which is why the above still, regardless, stands. X (talk) 02:09, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
He can operate his site as he wishes, including resetting the wiki even though the community thinks it was wrong, and he could even rule the wiki as an absolute dictator without consequence. There is no rational cause --> effect sequence here: I take action based on off-wiki and on-wiki repeated civility issues, that does not cause the site as a whole to be ruined. I have no other involvement in the points MTzh brought up, I believe, although I do not remember them and they can no longer be accessed. Justarandomamerican (talk) 02:18, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
My point is that a block you placed that, while I do believe it was correct, partially led to the reset and closure of a wiki. I just think it’s too soon. X (talk) 02:34, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Other comments