Test Wiki:Community portal

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The community portal is Test Wiki's village pump and noticeboards, two-in-one.

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Error while trying to create Abuse Filter

Hello, there is an error while I try to create an abuse filter that detects vandalism with the word "poop", and I would want a filter that detects the word and then disallow the edit, while I tried to create the Abuse Filter, there appeared error text "Internal error", blablabla and please can another create that Abuse Filter, and use this while creating the filter:

  • Filter description: "Poop" vandalism
  • Conditions:
!"confirmed" in user_groups & (
 article_namespace == 0 & (
  edit_delta < 300 & (
    ccnorm(added_lines) rlike "\bP+([\.\,\/\?\>\<\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\-\=\{\}\|\[\]\\\:\;\']?)O\1?O+\1?P+\1?(E*\1?S+\1?|E+\1?R+\1?S*\1?|E*\1?D+\1?|I\1?N+\1?G+\1?)?\b"
   & (!old_wikitext irlike "\bP+OO+P*(E+R+S*|E*D+|E*S+|I+N+G+)?\b"
  • Notes: none
  • Flags: private filter
  • Actions caused while an editor trips the filter: Disallow the edit

- PSL600 (Talk) 11:56, 25 June 2018 (UTC)Reply