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(Replaced content with "mw.loader.load('//');")
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* @name AbuseFilterEditTools
* @author DreZhsh <>
* Améiore l'interface d'édition des filtres
* en ajoutant différents outils :
* - Transformation des variables dépréciées par leurs alternatives
* - Mise en forme du code (séparation des opérateurs, mots-clés... par des espaces)
* - Amélioration de "Vérifier la syntaxe"
* @todo Nouveaux outils, regex constructor, contructeur d'expressions, adaptation pour éditeur normal
$( function () {
if ( document.getElementById( 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ) !== null ) {
mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.api', 'ext.abuseFilter.edit', 'oojs-ui-core' ], function () {
const buttonDeprecate = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: 'Corriger le code'
} );
* getInputContent
* Extrait le contenu de
* Ace Editor
* @return {string} Le contenu de Ace Editor
function getInputContent() {
const useAce = $( document.getElementById( 'wpFilterRules' ) ).css( 'display' ) === 'none';
if ( useAce ) {
const globalArray = [];
$( document.getElementsByClassName( 'ace_line' ) ).each( function () {
globalArray.push( $( this ).text() );
} );
return globalArray.join( '\n' );
} else {
return document.getElementById( 'wpFilterRules' ).value;
* beautifyCode
* @return {string} Le contenu de Ace Editor
* mais avec les éléments de la syntaxe séparés par
* des espaces
function beautifyCode() {
const globalArray = [];
$( document.getElementsByClassName( 'ace_line' ) ).each( function () {
let inputContent = String( $( this ).html() );
inputContent = inputContent.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );
inputContent = inputContent.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' );
inputContent = inputContent.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' );
const array = inputContent.split( /<\/span>/ );
for ( const i in array ) {
array[ i ] = array[ i ].replace( /^\s/, '' );
array[ i ] = array[ i ].replace( /<span class="[^"]*">/, '' );
let string = array.join( ' ' );
string = string.replace( /[\s];(?!\S)/g, ';' );
globalArray.push( string );
} );
return globalArray.join( '\n' );
// Initalisation
$( document.getElementById( 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ) ).after( buttonDeprecate.$element );
$( document.getElementsByClassName( 'mw-abusefilter-javascript-tools' ) ).first().after(
$( '<span>' )
.attr( 'id', 'abusefilter-checksyntaxresultfield' )
$( document.getElementsByClassName( 'noime' ) ).attr( 'id', 'abuseFilterEditor' );
// Corriger le code
buttonDeprecate.on( 'click', () => {
const useAce = $( document.getElementById( 'wpFilterRules' ) ).css( 'display' ) === 'none';
if ( $( document.getElementsByClassName( 'ace_text-layer' ) ).children().find( '.ace_deprecated' ).length !== 0 ) {
const articleVar = {
articleid: 'page_id',
namespace: 'page_namespace',
text: 'page_title',
prefixedtext: 'page_prefixedtitle',
restrictionsEdit: 'page_restrictions_edit',
restrictionsMove: 'page_restrictions_move',
restrictionsUpload: 'page_restrictions_upload',
restrictionsCreate: 'page_restrictions_create',
recentContributors: 'page_recent_contributors',
firstContributor: 'page_first_contributor'
moved = {
toArticleid: 'moved_to_id',
toText: 'moved_to_title',
toPrefixedtext: 'moved_to_prefixedtitle',
fromArticleid: 'moved_from_id',
fromText: 'moved_from_title',
fromPrefixedtext: 'moved_from_prefixedtitle'
extensions = {
boardArticleid: 'board_id',
boardText: 'board_title',
boardPrefixedtext: 'board_prefixedtitle',
articleViews: 'page_views'
const inputContent = getInputContent();
// article_
let abusefilterNewText = inputContent.replace(
/article_articleid/ig, articleVar.articleid
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_namespace/ig, articleVar.namespace
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_text/ig, articleVar.text
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_prefixedtext/ig, articleVar.prefixedtext
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_restrictions_edit/ig, articleVar.restrictionsEdit
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_restrictions_move/ig, articleVar.restrictionsMove
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_restrictions_upload/ig, articleVar.restrictionsUpload
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_restrictions_create/ig, articleVar.restrictionsCreate
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_recent_contributors/ig, articleVar.recentContributors
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_first_contributor/ig, articleVar.firstContributor
// moved_
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/moved_to_articleid/ig, moved.toArticleid
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/moved_to_text/ig, moved.toText
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/moved_to_prefixedtext/ig, moved.toPrefixedtext
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/moved_from_articleid/ig, moved.fromArticleid
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/moved_from_text/ig, moved.fromText
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/moved_from_prefixedtext/ig, moved.fromPrefixedtext
// extensions
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/board_articleid/ig, extensions.boardArticleid
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/board_text/ig, extensions.boardText
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/board_prefixedtext/ig, extensions.boardPrefixedtext
abusefilterNewText = abusefilterNewText.replace(
/article_views/ig, extensions.articleViews
// Application des modifications
if ( useAce === true ) {
ace.edit( 'wpAceFilterEditor' ).session.setValue( abusefilterNewText );
} else {
document.getElementById( 'wpFilterRules' ).value = abusefilterNewText;
} else {
if ( useAce ) {
ace.edit( 'wpAceFilterEditor' ).session.setValue( beautifyCode() );
} );
// Vérifier la syntaxe
$( document.getElementById( 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ) ).off();
$( document.getElementById( 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ) ).on( 'click', function () {
const text = $( document.getElementById( 'wpFilterRules' ) ).val(),
useAce = $( document.getElementById( 'wpFilterRules' ) ).css( 'display' ) === 'none',
filterEditor = ace.edit( 'wpAceFilterEditor' );
$( this ).prop( 'disabled', true ).injectSpinner( {
id: 'abusefilter-syntaxcheck',
size: 'large'
} );
new mw.Api().post( {
action: 'abusefilterchecksyntax',
format: 'json',
filter: text,
formatversion: '2'
} ).then( ( result ) => {
const data = result.abusefilterchecksyntax,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
regexDeprecated = /(article_(articleid|namespace|text|prefixedtext|restrictions_(edit|move|upload|create)|recent_contributors|first_contributor)|moved_(to|from)_(articleid|text|prefixedtext)|board_(articleid|text|prefixedtext)|article_views)/g,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
performanceVariable = /((edit_diff|added_lines|new)_pst|(added|removed)_links|page_(recent_contributors|first_contributor)|new_(html|text)|old_wikitext)/g;
$.removeSpinner( 'abusefilter-syntaxcheck' );
$( document.getElementById( 'abusefilter-checksyntaxresultfield' ) ).empty();
if ( data.status === 'ok' ) {
const messageOk = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
type: 'success',
inline: true,
label: mw.msg( 'abusefilter-edit-syntaxok' )
} );
$( document.getElementById( 'abusefilter-checksyntaxresultfield' ) ).append( messageOk.$element );
} else if ( data.status === 'error' ) {
const messageError = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
type: 'error',
inline: true,
label: `${mw.msg( 'abusefilter-edit-syntaxerr' ).replace( /: \$1/, '' )}: ${data.message}`
} );
$( document.getElementById( 'abusefilter-checksyntaxresultfield' ) ).append( messageError.$element );
if ( useAce === true ) {
const position = filterEditor
.indexToPosition( data.character );
filterEditor.navigateTo( position.row, position.column );
filterEditor.scrollToRow( position.row );
} else {
$( document.getElementById( 'wpFilterRules' ) ).trigger( 'focus' ).textSelection( 'setSelection', {
start: data.character
} );
// Variables obsolètes
if ( regexDeprecated.test( text ) ) {
const deprectatedArray = text.match( regexDeprecated );
const messageDeprecated = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
type: 'warning',
inline: true,
label: `Problème potentiel identifié : Ce code contient des variables obsolètes (${deprectatedArray.join( ', ' )}).`
} );
$( document.getElementById( 'abusefilter-checksyntaxresultfield' ) ).append( messageDeprecated.$element );
// Performances
if (
( /\/\*[\s]?aftools-disable-perfs[\s]?\*\//ig ).test( text ) === false &&
performanceVariable.test( text )
) {
const performanceArray = text.match( performanceVariable );
const messagePerformance = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
type: 'notice',
inline: true,
label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet( `
Suggestion d'amélioration : ce code contient des variables gourmandes en ressources (${performanceArray.join( ', ' )}),
por des raisons de performance, remplacez les par <code>added_lines</code> ou <code>removed_lines</code> si possible
et/ou placez les en fin de condition puis ajoutez <code>/* aftools-disable-perfs */</code> au début du code.
Lire <a href="Special:MyLanguage/Extension:AbuseFilter/Rules_format#Performance">ceci</a> pour plus de détails.` )
} );
$( document.getElementById( 'abusefilter-checksyntaxresultfield' ) ).append( messagePerformance.$element );
}, () => {
$.removeSpinner( 'abusefilter-syntaxcheck' );
} );
} );
} );
} );

Revision as of 18:52, 20 September 2022
