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mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'jquery'], function () {
$(function () {
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== 'EmailUser') return;
var $copyField = $('label[for="ooui-php-6"]').closest('.mw-htmlform-field-HTMLCheckField');
if (!$copyField.length) return;
var $notifyCheckbox = $('<div class="mw-htmlform-field-HTMLCheckField">' +
'<div class="oo-ui-fieldLayout-field">' +
'<input type="checkbox" id="notifyOnTalk" name="notifyOnTalk" value="1"> ' +
'<label for="notifyOnTalk">Notify user on talk page</label>' +
'</div>' +
$('').on('submit', function (e) {
if ($('#notifyOnTalk').is(':checked')) {
var targetUser = $('#mw-input-wpTarget').val();
if (!targetUser) return this.submit();
var talkPage = 'User talk:' + targetUser;
var text = '\n\n== You\'ve got got mail! ==\n{{You\'ve got mail}}'+'~~'+'~~\n';
new mw.Api().postWithToken('csrf', {
action: 'edit',
title: talkPage,
appendtext: text,
summary: 'Notification: You\'ve got mail!',
format: 'json'
}).always(() => $('').off('submit').submit());