User talk:Ronjapatch

From Test Wiki
Revision as of 21:18, 1 May 2021 by LocoSalas (talk | contribs) (welcome)
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Latest comment: 1 May 2021 by LocoSalas in topic Bureaucrat rights
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Welcome to the TestWiki!
We're glad to have you here! The Test Wiki is a giant wiki which anyone including you can contribute to and edit. With 67 articles, 4,596 users, 26 active users, 62,107 edits and 34 files, the TestWiki has been thriving!

Make sure to always assume Good Faith

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We hope you'll make great edits!

LOCO 🔥 21:17, 1 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Adminship granted

Hello Ronjapatch and welcome to the admin tools test wiki! Upon your request, your account has been given admin rights, so feel free to start testing right away. Make sure yy revert every admin action after you are done. Test blocks should be made on User:Example or yourself. If you have any questions, ask us at Community portal or at my talk page. Thanks! LOCO 🔥 21:17, 1 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

Bureaucrat rights

Hello. Your account has been given bureaucrat rights, so feel free to start testing advanced functions listed straight away. Please do dot grant bot rights permanently to anyone. Yes, you can add both rights temporary to your account and others. Remember to grant administrator flag only when others request. If you have any further questions, ask us at the Community portal or at my talk page. LOCO 🔥 21:17, 1 May 2021 (UTC)Reply