
From Test Wiki

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$( function() {
    if( mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) < 0 ) return;
    mw.loader.using( [ "mediawiki.util", "mediawiki.api" ] ).then( function () {
        var link = mw.util.addPortletLink(
            "Undo last edit",
            "Using the API, undo the last edit made to this page."
        if( !link ) return;
        link.addEventListener( "click", function () {
            var api = new mw.Api();
            api.get( {
                prop: 'revisions',
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                titles: mw.config.get( "wgPageName" )
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                    action: "edit",
                    title: mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ),
                    summary: "Undoing last edit ([[User:Infinityboy7/undo-last-edit.js|undo-last-edit]])",
                    text: text
                } ).done ( function ( data ) {
                    if ( data && data.edit && data.edit.result && data.edit.result == 'Success' ) {
                        mw.notify( "Undid last edit successfully! Reloading..." );
                        document.location.reload( true );
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} );