Viewing abuse filter 136: Adding emojis

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Editing filter 136

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Filter parameters
Filter ID:136


(publicly viewable)
user_editcount < 10 & !equals_to_any(page_namespace, 2, 3) & ( emoji := "[πŸŒ€-πŸ™πŸš€-πŸ›ΌπŸ€Œ-🧿🩰-πŸ«Άβ˜€-β˜„β˜‡-♬♰-βœ’βœ™-➿۩]"; rcount(emoji, added_lines) > 0 & ( rcount(emoji, added_lines) > rcount(emoji, removed_lines) ) & ( /* Exclude the sandbox, RfP, and reverts */ !contains_any(page_title, "Sandbox", "Test Wiki:Request for permissions", "/") & !summary irlike "und(id|o)|\brv[vt]?\b|revert|restore" ) )
Filter last modified:00:39, 29 October 2024 by Codename Noreste (talk | contribs)
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Actions to take when matched

You are viewing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter.Return to this filter's history.