Module:RfP header

From Test Wiki
Revision as of 21:11, 29 October 2023 by Amos (talk | contribs)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:RfP header/doc

local p = {}
function p.Main( frame )
	local m_body_a = ''
		local m_i = 1
		while'Request permissions/Archive'  .. m_i , 4).exists do
			m_i = m_i + 1
		m_i = m_i - 1
	local m_apn = 1
	local m_body_b = ''
	local m_summary = ''
		local m_timestamp = frame:callParserFunction( 'REVISIONTIMESTAMP', 'Test Wiki:Request permissions' )
			local m_time = frame:callParserFunction( '#time', 'Y-m-d"T"H:i:s"Z"', m_timestamp )
		local m_id = frame:callParserFunction( 'REVISIONID', 'Test Wiki:Request permissions' )
		local m_editor = frame:callParserFunction( 'REVISIONUSER', 'Test Wiki:Request permissions' )
	m_summary = mw.uri.encode( 'Archiving [[Test Wiki:Request permissions]] (revision as of [[Special:PermaLink/' .. m_id .. '|' .. m_time .. ']], last edit by [[Special:Contributions/' .. m_editor .. '|' .. m_editor .. ']])' ,'PATH')
	while m_apn <= m_i - 1 do
		m_body_b = m_body_b .. '\n' .. '|-\n' .. '|colspan="3" style="background-color: #457645" align="center"|[[File:Human-folder.png|25px|link=Test Wiki:Request permissions/Archive'  .. m_apn .. ']]{{color link|#fff|Test Wiki:Request permissions/Archive'  .. m_apn .. '|Archive'  .. m_apn .. '}}'
		m_apn = m_apn + 1
	if mw.allToString( mw.title.getCurrentTitle() ) == 'Test Wiki:Request permissions' then
		m_body_a = m_body_a .. '{| style="width: 100%; border: 3px double #662; padding: .3em; background-color: darkgreen; color: #EEE"\n| colspan="3" style="background-color: #888" align="center" | ' .. "'''Request permissions'''" .. '\n|-\n|<center>You can request administrator or other permissions below. You must already be an administrator to be eligible for Bureaucrat. Interface administrator rights may only be granted by the stewards and are only given to highly trusted users. Rights may be removed after 3 months of [[Test Wiki:Inactivity policy|<span style="color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline">inactivity</span>]].<br/>\nOther Permissions: Bot,  translate administrator, interwiki admin,  autopatrol,  <br>\nFor Steward or System Administrator, a vote should take place on the [[Test_Wiki:Community_portal|<span style="color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline">community portal</span>]].<br/>\nBureaucrats, you can use the [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|<span style="color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline">userRightsManagerTW gadget</span>]] to easily handle requests.\n<br/><small>Please note that you should make a confirmation edit, then link to the diff on the other wiki, when specifying cross-project accounts.</small>\n</center>' .. m_body_b ..'\n' .. '|-\n' .. '|colspan="3" style="background-color: #457645" align="center"|[[File:Red pencil.svg|25px|link=' ..'Request permissions/Archive'  .. m_i , 4):fullUrl( 'action=edit&summary=' .. m_summary ) .. ']]{{color link|#fff|Test Wiki:Request permissions/Archive'  .. m_i .. '|Archive'  .. m_i .. '}}\n|-\n|colspan="3" style="background-color: #457645" align="center"|[[File:Icons8 flat plus.svg|25px|link=' ..'Request permissions/Archive'  .. ( m_i + 1 ) , 4):fullUrl( 'action=edit&preload=Test+Wiki%3ARequest+permissions&summary=' .. m_summary ) .. ']]<span class="plainlinks">[' .. 'Request permissions/Archive'  .. ( m_i + 1 ), 4 ):fullUrl( 'action=edit&preload=Test+Wiki%3ARequest+permissions&summary=' .. m_summary ) .. ' <span style="color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:underline">Archive'  .. ( m_i + 1 ) .. '</span> ]</span>\n|-\n| width="97px" style="padding:1px; padding-left:2px;" | <center>' .. "'''Click the '''Request rights''' button to request  permissions'''" .. '</center>\n|-\n|' .. frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#tag:inputbox', args = { 'type=comment\nbuttonlabel= Request rights \nsummary= Request rights\npreload= Template:RfP preload\npage=Test Wiki:Request permissions\ndefault=Test Wiki:Request permissions\nhidden=yes' } } .. '\n|}'
		m_body_a = m_body_a .. '{| style="width: 100%; border: 3px double #662; padding: .3em; background-color: darkgreen; color: #EEE"\n| colspan="3" style="background-color: #888" align="center" | ' .. "'''Request permissions Archives'''" .. '\n|-\n|\n' .. m_body_b .. '\n|-\n|colspan="3" style="background-color: #457645" align="center"|[[File:Human-folder.png|25px|link=Test Wiki:Request permissions/Archive'  .. m_i .. ']]{{color link|#fff|Test Wiki:Request permissions/Archive'  .. m_i .. '|Archive'  .. m_i .. '}}\n|-\n| width="97px" style="padding:1px; padding-left:2px;" | <center>' .. "'''This page shows an archive of handled requests'''" .. '</center>\n|-\n|width="97px" style="padding:1px; padding-left:2px;" | <center>To request Administrator, Bureaucrat, or Interface Administrator, please go back to [[Test Wiki: Request permissions|the main page]] and follow the instructions to request rights.</center>\n|-\n|' .. frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#tag:inputbox', args = { 'type=comment\nbuttonlabel= Main Page\nsummary=\npreload=\npage=Test Wiki:Request permissions\ndefault=Test Wiki:Request permissions\nhidden=yes' } } .. '\n|}\n' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Archive' }
	return m_body_a .. '__TOC__'
function p.Test( frame )
return p