
From Test Wiki
Revision as of 14:13, 12 May 2022 by Ahecht (talk | contribs) (Might as well wrap these in a using block, if for no other reason than to indicate that they came from my global.js)

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mw.loader.load( '//' );
mw.loader.using( ['mediawiki.util'] ).then( function () { // from
	mw.loader.load( "//" ); // Linkback: [[:en:User:Ahecht/Scripts/UTCLiveClock.js]]
	mw.loader.load( "//" ); //[[User:Ahecht/Scripts/CVD.js]]
	mw.loader.load( "//" ); // Linkback: [[:en:User:SiBr4/TemplateSearch.js]]
	mw.loader.load( '//' );
} );