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Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
/* Replaces {{USERNAME}} with the name of the user browsing the page.
Requires copying Template:USERNAME. */
$(function UserNameReplace() {
if(typeof(disableUsernameReplace) != 'undefined' && disableUsernameReplace || wgUserName === null) return;
/* End of the {{USERNAME}} replacement */
// RevealAnonIP
window.RevealAnonIP = {
permissions: ['rollback', 'sysop', 'bureaucrat']
/* Auto updating recent changes opt-in
* See w:c:dev:AjaxRC for info & attribution
AjaxRCRefreshText = 'Auto-Refresh';
AjaxRCRefreshHoverText = 'Automatically refresh the page';
ajaxPages = ["Special:RecentChanges","Special:WikiActivity","Special:UncategorizedPages","Special:AllPages"];
importScriptPage('AjaxRC/code.js', 'dev');
window.UserTagsJS = {
modules: {},
tags: {},
oasisPlaceBefore: ''
/* Users blocked infinite */
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Timeouts are always a terrible way to go, but UserTags has no event dispatched when it finished loading.
setTimeout(function() {
if (document.getElementById('UserProfileMasthead') === null) return;
var blockTag = document.querySelector('.tag.usergroup-blocked.blocked-user');
if (blockTag === null) return;
new mw.Api().get({
action: 'query',
list: 'blocks',
bkprop: 'expiry',
bktimestamp: new Date().getTime(),
bkusers: wgTitle
}).done(function(d) {
if (d.query.blocks[0] && d.query.blocks[0].expiry == 'infinity') {
blockTag.innerHTML = 'Shattered';
}, 250);
// Script based off of MoreMenu by MusikAnimal from the English Wikipedia.
( function( ) {
var api = new mw.Api(),
namespaceNumber = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ), canonicalSpecialPageName = mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ),
isPageProtected = ( !!mw.config.get( 'wgRestrictionEdit' ) && mw.config.get( 'wgRestrictionEdit' ).length ) ||
( !!mw.config.get( 'wgRestrictionCreate' ) && mw.config.get( 'wgRestrictionCreate' ).length ),
serverName = mw.config.get( 'wgServerName' ), siteName = mw.config.get( 'wgSiteName' ),
scriptPath = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath'), userGroups = mw.config.get( 'wgUserGroups' ),
contentLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ), noticeProject = mw.config.get( 'wgNoticeProject' ),
articleId = mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' ), mwDBname = mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ),
pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ), userName = mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantUserName' ) || '',
isUserSpace, metaUserGroups, userPermissions, currentDate = new Date();
var escapedPageName = pageName.replace( /[!'"()*]/g, escape ),
encodedPageName = encodeURIComponent( pageName ),
escapedUserName = userName.replace( /[?!'()*]/g, escape ),
encodedUserName = encodeURIComponent( userName );
$( '#ca-protect,#ca-unprotect,#ca-delete,#ca-undelete' ).remove();
if ( mwDBname !== 'commonswiki' ) $( '#ca-move' ).remove();
var userMenuList = {
'User' : {
'User logs' : {
'All logs' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName } )
'Block log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'block' } ),
permissions : [ 'block' ]
'CheckUser log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:CheckUserLog', { cuSearch: userName, cuSearchType: 'initiator' } ),
permissions : [ 'checkuser-log' ],
userPermissions : [ 'checkuser-log' ]
'Deletion log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'delete' } ),
permissions : [ 'delete' ]
'Filter log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:AbuseLog', { wpSearchUser: userName } )
'Mass message log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'massmessage' } ),
permissions : [ 'massmessage' ]
'Move log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'move' } ),
permissions : [ 'move' ]
'Pending changes log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'stable' } ),
permissions : [ 'stablesettings' ]
'Protection log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'protect' } ),
permissions : [ 'protect' ]
'Review log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'review' } ),
permissions : [ 'review' ]
'Thanks log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'thanks' } ),
groups : [ 'user' ]
'Upload log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'upload' } ),
permissions : [ 'upload' ]
'User creation log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'newusers' } ),
groups : [ 'user' ] // any user can create new accounts at [[Special:CreateAccount]]
'User rights log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', user: userName, type: 'rights' } ),
addRemoveGroups : true
'RfXs' : {
'RfAs' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:PrefixIndex/Wikipedia:Requests_for_adminship/' + userName ),
style : 'display:none',
title : 'Requests for Adminship'
'RfBs' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:PrefixIndex/Wikipedia:Requests_for_bureaucratship/' + userName ),
style : 'display:none',
title : 'Requests for Bureaucratship'
'RfArb' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/' + userName ),
style : 'display:none',
title : 'Requests for Arbitration'
'RfC' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:Requests_for_comment/' + userName ),
style : 'display:none',
title : 'Requests for Comment'
'RfCU' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:Requests_for_checkuser/Case/' + userName ),
style : 'display:none',
title : 'Request for CheckUser'
'CCI' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:Contributor_copyright_investigations/' + userName ),
style : 'display:none',
title : 'Contributor copyright investigations'
'SPI' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/' + userName ),
style : 'display:none',
title : 'Sockpuppet investigations (as the sockmaster)'
'Blocks' : {
'Block user' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Block/' + userName ),
userPermissions : 'block',
blocked : false
'Block globally' : {
url : '//' + userName,
userPermissions : 'globalblock',
ipOnly : true
'Change block' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Block/' + userName ),
userPermissions : 'block',
blocked : true
'Central auth' : {
url : '//' + userName,
userPermissions : 'centralauth-lock'
'Unblock user' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Unblock/' + userName ),
blocked : true,
userPermissions : 'block'
'View block' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:BlockList', { wpTarget: userName } ),
blocked : true,
style : 'color:#EE1111'
'View block log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', page: userName, type: 'block' } )
'Analysis' : {
'Analysis – Supercount' : {
url : '//' + serverName + '&user=' + encodedUserName,
title : 'Cyberpower678s User Analysis Tool'
'Analysis – WikiChecker' : {
url : 'http://' + contentLanguage + '' + encodedUserName,
databaseRestrict : [ 'enwiki', 'jawiki', 'frwiki', 'ruwiki' ],
'Analysis – XTools' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName + '&project=' + serverName
'Articles created' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName + '&project='+ serverName + '&namespace=all&redirects=noredirects',
groups : ['user']
'Autoblocks' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName + '&project=' + serverName
'BLP edits' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName + '&contribs=on',
databaseRestrict : [ 'enwiki' ]
'Edit summary usage' : {
url : '//' + siteName + '&name=' + encodedUserName
'Edit summary search' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName
'Global contributions' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName + '&blocks=true'
'Non-automated edits' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName + '&namespace=0&contribs=on&tools=on',
databaseRestrict : [ 'enwiki' ]
'Pages created' : {
url : '//' + encodedUserName + '&project='+ serverName + '&namespace=all'
'SUL' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:CentralAuth/' + userName ),
groups : [ 'user' ]
'IP lookup' : {
'WHOIS' : {
url : '' + escapedUserName,
ipOnly : true
'rDNS' : {
url : '' + escapedUserName + '.html',
ipOnly : true
'Traceroute' : {
url : '' + escapedUserName,
ipOnly : true
'Geolocate' : {
url : '' + escapedUserName,
ipOnly : true
'Change rights' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:UserRights', { user: 'User:' + userName } ),
groups : [ 'user' ],
userAddRemoveGroups : true
'CheckUser' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:CheckUser/' + userName ),
userPermissions : [ 'checkuser' ]
'Contributions' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Contributions/' + userName )
'Deleted contributions' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:DeletedContributions/' + userName ),
userPermissions : [ 'deletedhistory', 'deletedtext' ]
'Suppressed contribs' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log/suppress', { offender: userName } ),
userPermissions : [ 'oversight' ]
'Email user' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:EmailUser/' + userName ),
groups : [ 'user' ]
'Uploads' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:ListFiles', { user: userName, ilshowall: '1' } ),
groups : [ 'user' ]
'User groups' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:ListUsers', { limit: 1, username: userName } ),
groups : [ 'user' ]
'User rights changes' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { user: '' , page: 'User:' + userName, type: 'rights' } ),
groups : [ 'user' ]
'User thanks received' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { user: '' , page: 'User:' + userName, type: 'thanks' } ),
groups : [ 'user' ]
var pageMenuList = {
'Page' : {
'Page logs' : {
'All logs' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', page: pageName } )
'Deletion log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', page: pageName, type: 'delete' } )
'Move log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', page: pageName, type: 'move' } )
'Pending changes log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', page: pageName, type: 'stable' } )
'Protection log' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { action: 'view', page: pageName, type: 'protect' } )
'Analysis' : {
'Analysis – WikiChecker' : {
url : 'http://' + contentLanguage + '' + encodedPageName,
databaseRestrict : [ 'enwiki', 'jawiki', 'frwiki', 'ruwiki' ],
pageExists : true
'Analysis – XTools' : {
url : '//' + escapedPageName + '&project=' + serverName,
pageExists : true
'Analysis – WikiHistory' : {
url : '//' + escapedPageName,
namespaceRestrict : [ 0 ],
pageExists : true
'Analysis – Σ' : {
url : '' + encodedPageName + '&server=' + mwDBname,
pageExists : true
'Basic statistics' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( pageName, { action: 'info' } ),
pageExists : true
'Search by contributor' : {
url : '//' + encodedPageName + '&server=' + mwDBname,
pageExists : true
'Search revision history' : {
url : '' + contentLanguage + '&project=' + noticeProject + '&article=' + encodedPageName,
pageExists : true
'Traffic report' : {
url : '//' + serverName + '&pages=' + encodedPageName,
pageExists : true
'Transclusions' : {
url : '//' + serverName + '/w/index.php?title=Special:WhatLinksHere/' + encodedPageName + '&hidelinks=1&hideredirs=1',
namespaceRestrict : [2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 100, 101]
'Tools' : {
'Check external links' : {
url : '' + encodedPageName + '&lang=' + contentLanguage,
pageExists : true,
noticeProjectRestrict : [ 'wikipedia' ]
'Check redirects' : {
url : '' + encodedPageName + '&lang=' + contentLanguage,
pageExists : true,
noticeProjectRestrict : [ 'wikipedia' ]
'Copyright vio detector' : {
url : '//'+ contentLanguage + '&project=' + noticeProject + '&title=' + encodedPageName + '&oldid=&action=search&use_engine=1&use_links=1',
pageExists : true,
title : 'Queries search engine for copyright violations. Could take a while, so be patient.'
'Disambiguate links' : {
url : '' + encodedPageName + '&lang=' + contentLanguage,
pageExists : true,
noticeProjectRestrict : [ 'wikipedia' ]
'Expand bare references' : {
url : '//' + encodedPageName + '&defaults=y&wiki=' + contentLanguage,
pageExists: true,
namespaceRestrict : [ 0, 2, 118 ]
'Peer reviewer' : {
url : '' + encodedPageName,
pageExists : true,
databaseRestrict : [ 'enwiki' ],
namespaceRestrict : [ 0, 2, 118 ]
'Transclusion count' : {
url : '//' + contentLanguage + '&name=' + encodedPageName + '&namespace=' + namespaceNumber,
namespaceRestrict : [2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 100, 101],
noticeProjectRestrict : [ 'wikipedia' ]
'XfDs' : {
url : 'javascrit:void(0)'
'Change model' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:ChangeContentModel/' + pageName ),
userPermissions : [ 'editcontentmodel' ],
pageExists : true,
namespaceRestrict : [ 2, 4, 8, 100, 108, 828 ]
'Change protection' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( pageName, { action: 'protect' } ),
userPermissions : [ 'protect', 'stablesettings' ],
isProtected : true
'Delete page' : {
url : '//' + serverName + scriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + encodedPageName + '&action=delete' + ( $( '#delete-reason' ).text() ? '&wpReason=' + $( '#delete-reason' ).text() : ''),
userPermissions : [ 'delete' ],
pageExists : true
'Edit intro' : {
url : '//' + serverName + scriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + encodedPageName + '&action=edit§ion=0',
namespaceRestrict : [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 118 ],
pageExists : true
'Latest diff' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( pageName, { action: 'view', diff: mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' ) } ),
pageExists : true
'Merge page' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MergeHistory', { target: pageName } ),
userPermissions : [ 'mergehistory' ],
pageExists : true
'Move page' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MovePage/' + pageName ),
userPermissions : [ 'move' ],
pageExists : true
'Protect page' : {
url : '//' + serverName + scriptPath + '/index.php?title=' + encodedPageName + '&action=protect',
userPermissions : [ 'protect', 'stablesettings' ]
'Purge cache' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( pageName, { action: 'purge', forcelinkupdate: true } ),
pageExists : true
'Subpages' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:PrefixIndex/' + pageName + '/' ),
'Undelete page' : {
url : mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Undelete/' + pageName ),
userPermissions : [ 'undelete' ],
pageDeleted : true
var dependencies = [];
if ( !$.jStorage ) dependencies.push( 'jquery.jStorage' );
if ( !Object.keys ) dependencies.push( 'es5-shim' );
// initialize script
mw.loader.using( dependencies, function() {
var menus = [];
if ( namespaceNumber === 2 || namespaceNumber === 3 || canonicalSpecialPageName === 'Contributions' || !!mw.util.getParamValue("user") ) {
isUserSpace = true;
menus.push( userMenuList );
if ( namespaceNumber >= 0 ) menus.push( pageMenuList );
init( menus, function(data) {
if ( isUserSpace ) completeUserLinks(data[0].query);
} );
} );
// custom callback functions for these menus
function completePageLinks() {
$( '#c2-page-xfds' ).hide();
if ( mwDBname === 'enwiki' ) {
apiGet( {
titles: 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + pageName + '|Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + pageName,
prop: 'info'
} ).done( function( data ) {
for ( var i in data.query.pages ) {
if ( i > -1 ) {
if ( data.query.pages[i].title.split( '/' )[0] === 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion' ) {
$( '#c2-page-xfds' ).show().find( 'a' ).text( 'MfDs' ).prop( 'href',
mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:PrefixIndex/Wikipedia:Miscellany_for_deletion/' + pageName )
} else if ( data.query.pages[i].title.split( '/' )[0] === 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion' ) {
$( '#c2-page-xfds' ).show().find( 'a' ).text( 'AfDs' ).prop( 'href',
mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:PrefixIndex/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/' + pageName )
} );
if ( mw.user.options.get( 'gadget-edittop' ) === '1' ) {
$( '#c2-page-edit_intro' ).remove();
$( '#p-views ul' ).on( 'beforeTabCollapse', function() {
if ( $( '#ca-history' ).hasClass( 'collapsible' ) ) {
$( '#p-page2' ).find( 'ul' ).append( $( '#ca-history' ).detach() );
} );
function completeUserLinks( query ) {
apiGet( {
list : 'logevents',
letype : 'block',
letitle : 'User:' + userName,
lelimit : 1
} ).done( function( data ) {
if ( data.query.logevents.length === 0) {
$( '#c2-user-blocks-view_block_log' ).remove();
if ( $( '#c2-user-blocks' ).find( 'li' ).length === 0 ) {
$( '#c2-user-blocks' ).remove();
} );
var rfxs = {
'Wikipedia:Requests for adminship' : 'rfas',
'Wikipedia:Requests for bureaucratship' : 'rfbs',
'Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case' : 'rfarb',
'Wikipedia:Requests for comment' : 'rfc',
'Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser/Case' : 'rfcu',
'Wikipedia:Contributor copyright investigations' : 'cci',
'Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations' : 'spi'
$( '#c2-user-rfxs' ).hide();
if ( mwDBname === 'enwiki' ) {
apiGet( {
titles : $.map( Object.keys( rfxs ), function( rfx, i ) {
return rfx + '/' + userName;
} ).join( '|' ),
prop: 'info'
} ).done( function( data ) {
var pages = data.query.pages;
for ( var id in pages ) {
if ( id > 0 ) {
$( '#c2-user-rfxs' ).show();
var key = pages[id].title.replace( '/' + userName, '' );
$( '#c2-user-rfxs-' + rfxs[key] ).find( 'a' ).show();
} );
// everything below is internal functions – should not need to be modified for any customization
function addListeners() {
$( '.c2-hover-menu' ).each( function() {
$( this ).hover( function() {
$el = $( this ).find( '.submenu' );
$el.css( {
left : $( this ).outerWidth(),
top : '-1px',
'border-top-width' : 1
} );
}, function() {
$( this ).find( '.submenu' ).hide();
} );
} );
function apiGet( params ) {
return api.get(
$.extend( params, {
action: 'query'
} )
function canAddRemoveGroups( groups, permissions ) {
if ( permissions && permissions.indexOf( 'userrights' ) >= 0 ) return true;
var ret = false;
for ( var i=0; i<groups.length; i++ ) {
if ( metaUserGroups[groups[i]] && metaUserGroups[groups[i]].addRemoveGroups ) {
ret = true;
} else {
// clear cache and fallback to false
$.jStorage.deleteKey( 'metaUserGroups' );
ret = false;
return ret;
// scope is an array, returns true if all elements in 'array' exist in scope
function containsArray( array, index, last ) {
if ( !index ) {
index = 0;
last = 0;
return index === array.length
|| ( last = this.indexOf( array[index], last ) ) > -1
&& this, array, ++index, ++last );
function generateMenuContent( tabName, menuList, userData, userPermissions ) {
var html = '';
$.each( menuList, function( name, action ) {
if ( action ) {
var newHtml = '';
if ( !action.url ) {
newHtml += '<li style="position: relative;" id="' + linkId( tabName, name ) + '" class="c2-hover-menu">' +
'<a style="font-weight: bold">' + name + '…</a>' +
'<div class="submenu menu" style="display: none; position: absolute;"><ul>';
$.each( action, function( k, v ) {
newHtml += linkHtml( tabName, k, v, name, userData, userPermissions );
} );
newHtml += '</ul></div></li>';
if ( $( newHtml ).last().find( '.submenu li' ).length === 0 ) {
newHtml = '';
} else {
newHtml += linkHtml( tabName, name, action, null, userData, userPermissions );
html += newHtml;
} );
return html;
function hasConditional( permitted, given ) {
permitted = $.makeArray( permitted );
given = $.makeArray( given );
if ( !permitted.length ) {
return true;
} else if ( !given.length ) {
return false;
} else {
var valid = false;
for ( var i=0; i<given.length; i++ ) {
if ( $.inArray( given[i], permitted ) >= 0 ) {
valid = true;
return valid;
function linkId( tabName, name, parent ) {
return 'c2-' + sanitize( tabName.toLowerCase() ) + '-' + ( parent ? sanitize( parent ) + '-' : '') + sanitize( name );
function linkHtml( tabName, name, action, parent, userData, userPermissions ) {
var validations =
/* namespace */ ( hasConditional( action.namespaceRestrict, namespaceNumber ) || !hasConditional( action.namespaceExclude, namespaceNumber ) ) &&
/* existence */ ( ( action.pageExists && articleId > 0 ) || ( !action.pageExists ) ) &&
/* deleted */ ( action.pageDeleted ? articleId === 0 && mw.config.get( 'wgIsArticle' ) === false : true ) &&
/* protected */ ( action.isProtected ? isPageProtected : true ) &&
/* database */ hasConditional( action.databaseRestrict, mwDBname ) &&
/* notice project */ hasConditional( action.noticeProjectRestrict, noticeProject ) &&
/* user's user groups */ hasConditional( action.userGroups, userGroups ) &&
/* user's permissions */ hasConditional( action.userPermissions, userPermissions ) &&
/* can change groups */ ( action.userAddRemoveGroups ? canAddRemoveGroups( userGroups, userPermissions ) : true );
if ( isUserSpace ) {
// FIXME: find something better than userData.invalid === '' for checking if IP
validations &=
/* their user groups */ hasConditional( action.groups, userData.groups ) &&
/* their permissions */ hasConditional( action.permissions, userData.rights ) &&
/* they're blocked */ ( action.blocked !== undefined ? !!userData.blockid === action.blocked : true ) &&
/* can change groups */ ( action.addRemoveGroups ? canAddRemoveGroups( userData.groups, userData.rights ) : true ) &&
/* IP */ ( action.ipOnly ? userData.invalid === '' : true );
if ( !!validations ) {
return '<li id=' + linkId( tabName, name, parent ) + '><a href="' + action.url + '" title="' + ( action.title || '' ) + '" ' + ( ? 'style="' + + '"' : '' ) + '>' + name + '</a></li>';
} else {
return '';
function sanitize( name ) {
return name.toLowerCase().replace( / /g, '_' );
function init( menus, fn ) {
var promises = new Array(3),
cacheDate = $.jStorage.get( 'mmCacheDate' ),
expired = cacheDate < currentDate;
if( isUserSpace ) {
promises[0] = apiGet( {
list : 'users|blocks',
ususers : userName,
bkusers : userName,
usprop : 'blockinfo|groups|rights',
bkprop : 'id'
} );
if ( expired || !( userPermissions = $.jStorage.get( 'mmUserRights' ) ) ) {
promises[1] = mw.user.getRights();
if ( expired || !( metaUserGroups = $.jStorage.get( 'mmMetaUserGroups' ) ) ) {
promises[2] = apiGet( {
meta : 'siteinfo',
siprop : 'usergroups'
} );
$.when.apply( this, promises ).done( function ( data, userRightsData, metaData ) {
var userData;
if ( data ) {
userData = data[0].query.users[0];
if ( !userData ) {
// FIXME: add functionality to only show menu based on custom function;
// temporary fix so that script doesn't break on pages of users that don't exist
isUserSpace = false;
for ( var j = 0; j < menus.length; j++ ) {
if ( !!menus[j].User ) menus.splice( j, 1 );
} else if ( userData.invalid === '' ) {
userData.groups = [];
userData.rights = [];
if ( data[0].query.blocks.length ) {
userData.blockid = data[0].query.blocks[0].id;
if ( userRightsData ) {
userPermissions = $.jStorage.set( 'mmUserRights', userRightsData );
if ( metaData ) {
metaUserGroups = {};
$.each(metaData[0].query.usergroups, function ( i, el ) {
metaUserGroups[] = {
permissions : el.rights,
addRemoveGroups : !!el.add || !!el.remove
} );
$.jStorage.set( 'mmMetaUserGroups', metaUserGroups );
if ( expired ) {
var newDate = new Date();
$.jStorage.set( 'mmCacheDate', newDate.setDate( newDate.getDate() + 1 ) );
for ( var i=0; i<menus.length; i++ ) {
var tabName = Object.keys( menus[i] )[0];
var html = '<div id="p-' + tabName.toLowerCase() + '2" class="vectorMenu" style="z-index: 99;">' +
'<h3>' +
'<span>' + tabName + '</span>' +
'<a href="#"></a>' +
'</h3>' +
'<div class="menu"><ul>';
html += generateMenuContent( tabName, menus[i][tabName], userData, userPermissions );
html += '</ul></div></div>';
if ( $( '#p-cactions' )[0] ) {
$( html ).insertAfter( $( '#p-cactions' ) );
} else {
$( html ).insertAfter( $( '#p-views' ) );
if ( typeof fn === 'function' ) fn( data, userPermissions );
} );
} )( );
/* ################### */
/* ## IMPORTS ## */
/* ################### */
var ajaxPages="Special:RecentChanges,Special:Watchlist,";
type: 'script',
articles: [
/* ###################### */
/* ## EDIT BUTTONS ## */
/* ###################### */
if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Redirect",
"tagOpen": "#REDIRECT [[",
"tagClose": "]]",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Strike",
"tagOpen": "<s>",
"tagClose": "</s>",
"sampleText": "Strike-through text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Line break",
"tagOpen": "<br>",
"tagClose": "",
"sampleText": ""
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Comment visible only for editors",
"tagOpen": "<!-- ",
"tagClose": " -->",
"sampleText": "Insert comment here"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Category",
"tagOpen": "[[Category:",
"tagClose": "]]",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Code",
"tagOpen": "<code>",
"tagClose": "</code>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Code Nowiki",
"tagOpen": "<code><nowiki>",
"tagClose": "</nowiki></code>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Pre",
"tagOpen": "<pre>",
"tagClose": "</pre>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Pre Nowiki",
"tagOpen": "<pre><nowiki>",
"tagClose": "</nowiki></pre>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Big text",
"tagOpen": "<big>",
"tagClose": "</big>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Small text",
"tagOpen": "<small>",
"tagClose": "</small>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Sup",
"tagOpen": "<sup>",
"tagClose": "</sup>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Sub",
"tagOpen": "<sub>",
"tagClose": "</sub>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Underline",
"tagOpen": "<u>",
"tagClose": "</u>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Noinclude",
"tagOpen": "<noinclude>",
"tagClose": "</noinclude>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Includeonly",
"tagOpen": "<includeonly>",
"tagClose": "</includeonly>",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Link with a different name",
"tagOpen": "[[",
"tagClose": "]]",
"sampleText": "Insert text|Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Template",
"tagOpen": "{{",
"tagClose": "}}",
"sampleText": "Insert text"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Support",
"tagOpen": "{{",
"tagClose": "}}",
"sampleText": "support"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Oppose",
"tagOpen": "{{",
"tagClose": "}}",
"sampleText": "oppose"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Neutral",
"tagOpen": "{{",
"tagClose": "}}",
"sampleText": "neutral"
mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
"imageFile": "",
"speedTip": "Heart",
"tagOpen": "{{",
"tagClose": "}}",
"sampleText": "heart"
// *****************************************************
// * Experimental javascript countdown timer (Splarka) *
// * Version 0.0.3 *
// *****************************************************
// Usage example:
// <span class="countdown" style="display:none;">
// Only <span class="countdowndate">January 01 2007 00:00:00 PST</span> until New years.
// </span>
// <span class="nocountdown">Javascript disabled.</span>
function updatetimer(i) {
var now = new Date();
var then = timers[i].eventdate;
var diff = count=Math.floor((then.getTime()-now.getTime())/1000);
// catch bad date strings
if(isNaN(diff)) {
timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = '** ' + timers[i].eventdate + ' **' ;
// determine plus/minus
if(diff<0) {
diff = -diff;
var tpm = '';
} else {
var tpm = '';
// Calculate the diff - Modified by Eladkse
if ((diff%60) == 1) {
left = (diff%60) + ' second';
} else {
left = (diff%60) + ' seconds';
if(diff > 0) {
if ((diff%60) == 1) {
left = (diff%60) + ' minute, and ' + left;
} else {
left = (diff%60) + ' minutes, and ' + left;
if(diff > 0) {
if ((diff%24) == 1) {
left = (diff%24) + ' hour, ' + left;
} else {
left = (diff%24) + ' hours, ' + left;
if(diff > 0) {
if (diff == 1) {
left = diff + ' day, ' + left;
} else {
left = diff + ' days, ' + left;
timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = tpm + left;
// a setInterval() is more efficient, but calling setTimeout()
// makes errors break the script rather than infinitely recurse
timeouts[i] = setTimeout('updatetimer(' + i + ')',1000);
function checktimers() {
//hide 'nocountdown' and show 'countdown'
var nocountdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'nocountdown');
for(var i in nocountdowns) nocountdowns[i].style.display = 'none';
var countdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdown');
for(var i in countdowns) countdowns[i].style.display = 'inline';
//set up global objects timers and timeouts.
timers = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdowndate'); //global
timeouts = new Array(); // generic holder for the timeouts, global
if(timers.length === 0) return;
for(var i in timers) {
timers[i].eventdate = new Date(timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
updatetimer(i); //start it up
// **************************************************
// - end - Experimental javascript countdown timer
// **************************************************
require_once( "$IP/extensions/GoogleTranslator/GoogleTranslator.php" );
$wgGoogleTranslatorOriginal = 'en';
$wgGoogleTranslatorLanguages = 'nl,fr,de,da,no,sv,fi,es,ru';
mw.loader.load('', 'text/css');
mw.loader.load( '//', 'text/css' );
function rollbackEverythingWKMR() {
$("a[href*='action=rollback']").each(function(ind, el)
{, "_blank");
if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") === "Contributions" && $("").length > 0)
addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:rollbackEverythingWKMR()', "rollback all", "ca-rollbackeverything", "rollback all edits displayed here");
mw.loader.load( '//' );