< User:Cy
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#user-tools {
Background: #FFFFFF75;
#personal-extra {
Background: #FFFFFF75;
#p-banner {
Background: #FFFFFF75;
@keyframes Colour {
0% { background: red;}
50% {background: green;}
100% {background: blue;}
.mw-wiki-logo {
background-image: url(;
@keyframes bottom-border {
0%{ border-bottom: solid 2px Red; }
50% { border-bottom: solid 2px green;}
100% { border-bottom: solid 2px blue; }
#mw-content h1, #mw-content h2 {
animation: bottom-border 2s infinite alternate;
@keyframes rotate {
0% { transform: rotate(-0.2deg); }
100% {transform: rotate(0.2deg); }
@keyframes Colour1 {
0% { color: red;}
50% {color: green;}
100% {color: blue;}