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if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == 'Special' &&
mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == 'Block') {
$(function() {
var api = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php';
var checkId = 'mw-input-wpBlockMessage';
var textId = 'mw-input-wpBlockMessageText';
var blockTemplate = '\\{\\{(Blocked user\\|[^\\|]*\\|[^\\}]*)\\}\\}';
var reason = '(\\s*Avec le motif suivant\\s*: «[^»]*»\\.)?~~' + '~~';
var $watchBlock = $('#mw-input-wpWatch').closest('.oo-ui-fieldLayout');
.attr('for', checkId)
.text('Laisser un message sur la page de discussion de cet utilisateur')
.attr('id', checkId)
.attr('value', 0)
.click(function() {
$('#' + textId + '-tr').toggle();
.attr('id', textId + '-tr')
.replaceWith($('<textarea id="' + textId + '" rows="10">{{Averto-3||}}~~' + '~~</textarea>'))
$watchBlock.closest('form').submit(function (event) {
var form = this;
if ($('#' + checkId).prop('checked')) {
var talkPage = 'User_talk:' + $('#mw-bi-target input').val();
$.getJSON(api + '?action=query&meta=tokens&type=csrf&prop=revisions&format=json&curtimestamp=true&titles=' + talkPage, function (response) {
$.each(response.query.pages, function (_, page) {
$.post(api, {
action: 'edit',
title: talkPage,
section: 'new',
sectiontitle: 'Blocage',
text: $('#' + textId).val(),
basetimestamp: page.revisions[0].timestamp,
starttimestamp: response.curtimestamp,
token: response.query.tokens.csrftoken,
format: 'json'
}, function (response) {
// TODO do something if there was a problem
$('#mw-input-wpExpiry').change(function () {
var duration = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
var template = '{{Vandale banni}}';
if (duration != 'indéfiniment') {
template = '{{Averto-3|' + duration.replace(' ', '|') + '}}';
$('#' + textId).val(
$('#' + textId).val().replace(new RegExp(blockTemplate), template)
function changeReason() {
var defaultText = $('#mw-input-wpReason option:selected').text();
if (defaultText == 'Autre') {
defaultText = '';
var customText = $('#mw-input-wpReason-other').val();
if (defaultText && customText) {
defaultText += ' ';
$('#' + textId).val(
// TODO if the user removed the reason from the message, don't add it again
$('#' + textId).val().replace(new RegExp(reason), '\n\nAvec le motif suivant : « ' + defaultText + customText + ' ».~~' + '~~')