From Test Wiki
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//Script to strip rights from a user on one click
//To do: add toggles for different skins
if( mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName") ) {
var username = mw.config.get("wgRelevantUserName");
//Get user's group membership
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'users',
usprop: 'groups',
ususers: username
).done( function ( data ) {
try {
if(data.query.users[0].groups.indexOf(!'sysop') >= 0) {/* Do nothing */}
else {
var link = mw.util.addPortletLink(
'Strip rights',
'Remove standard rights from this user'
$(link).click(function() {
catch ( e ) {
console.log( "Content request error: " + e.message );
console.log( "Content request response: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
} ).fail( function () {
console.log( "While getting the userlist, there was an AJAX error." );
} );
function checkAndPromote(username) {
//Get user's group membership again
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'users',
usprop: 'groups',
ususers: username
).done( function ( data ) {
try {
if(data.query.users[0].groups.indexOf(!'sysop') >= 0) {/* Do nothing */}
else {
check = confirm("Do you want to remove " + username + "'s rights on this wiki?");
if (check) {
alert(username + " has had all rights removed");
catch ( e ) {
console.log( "Content request error: " + e.message );
console.log( "Content request response: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
} ).fail( function () {
console.log( "While getting the userlist, there was an AJAX error." );
} );
function stripRights(username) {
//Get userrights token
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
meta: 'tokens',
type: 'userrights'
).done( function ( data ) {
try {
var rightsToken = data.query.tokens.userrightstoken;
//Strip rights
$.ajax( {
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'userrights',
user: username,
remove: 'sysop|bureaucrat',
reason: 'Procedural removal as per [[Test Wiki:Inactivity Policy]]',
token: rightsToken,
} ).done(console.log( "Removed rights from: " + username )
).fail( function ( e, data ){
console.log( e.message );
console.log( JSON.stringify( data ) );
catch ( e ) {
console.log( "Content request error: " + e.message );
console.log( "Content request response: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
} ).fail( function () {
console.log( "While getting the userlist, there was an AJAX error." );
} );
function alertUser(username) {
//If page already exists
$.ajax( {
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: 'User talk:' + username,
summary: 'Notification',
nocreate: 1,
appendtext: 'Your rights have been revoked for inactivity --[[User:Joepayne|Joepayne]] ([[User talk:Joepayne|talk]]) 02:58, 17 February 2018 (UTC)',
token: mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' )
} ).done( function (data) {
}).fail( function ( e, data ){
console.log( e.message );
console.log( JSON.stringify( data ) );
//If pages does not exist
$.ajax( {
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: 'User talk:' + username,
summary: 'Notification',
createonly: 1,
text: 'Your rights have been revoked for inactivity --[[User:Joepayne|Joepayne]] ([[User talk:Joepayne|talk]]) 02:58, 17 February 2018 (UTC)',
token: mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' )
} ).done( function (data) {
}).fail( function ( e, data ){
console.log( e.message );
console.log( JSON.stringify( data ) );