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* Web Worker for AutoWikiBrowser script. Used to run certain tasks on
* a parallel process to be able to terminate it.
* Idea from
* Dirty hack workaround due to //
* See for the full
* script, as well as licensing.
* Licensed under GNU GPL 2.
* For attribution: [[:wikipedia:User:Joeytje50/JWB.js/worker.js]]
JWB.worker.function = function() {
var ret = {};
function regexMatch(str, pattern, flags, callback) {
var re, result;
try {
re = new RegExp(pattern, flags);
result = str.match(re);
} catch(e) {
// catch and propagate invalid regexes etc.
callback(undefined, e);
callback(result, undefined);
ret.match = regexMatch;
function regexReplace(str, pattern, flags, rWith, callback) {
var re, result;
try {
re = new RegExp(pattern, flags);
result = str.replace(re, rWith);
} catch(e) {
// catch and propagate invalid regexes etc.
callback(undefined, e);
callback(result, undefined);
ret.replace = regexReplace;
//function to *only* replace the parsed wikitext
//It excludes comments (<!-- -->), and nowiki, math, source, syntaxhighlight, pre, code, gallery and timeline tags)
//Based on
function unparsedReplace(str, pattern, flags, rWith, callback) {
var exclude = '(<!--[\\s\\S]*?-->|<(nowiki|math|source|syntaxhighlight|pre|gallery|timeline)[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/\\2>)';
//add /i flag, to exclude the correct tags regardless of casing.
//This won't matter for the actual replacing, as the specified flags are used there.
var replacements = 0;
var global = flags.indexOf('g') !== -1;
// build regex with exclusion list.
// This re will be case insensitive, but the actual replacement done will still be case sensitive if the 'i' flag is not given.
// This re will also be executed globally on the string, but the separate tracker will only allow one replacement to be done if 'g' is not given.
try {
var re = new RegExp(exclude + '|(' + pattern + ')', flags.replace(/i|$/, 'i').replace(/g|$/, 'g'));
str = str.replace(re, function(match, g1, g2, g3) {
if (!global && replacements > 0) { // a replacement has already been made in non-global mode
return match;
} else if (g3 !== undefined) { //continue to perform replacement if the match is the group that's supposed to be the match
replacements++; // keep track of the amount of replacements made.
return match.replace(new RegExp(pattern, flags), rWith);
} else { //do nothing if the match is one of the excluded groups
return match;
} catch(e) {
// catch and propagate invalid regexes etc.
callback(undefined, e);
callback(str, undefined);
ret.unparsedreplace = unparsedReplace;
onmessage = function(e) {
let data =;
console.log('worker message', data);
let callback = (result, err) => postMessage({cmd: data.cmd, result: result, err: err});
switch (data.cmd) {
case 'match':
regexMatch(data.str, data.pattern, data.flags, callback);
case 'replace':
regexReplace(data.str, data.pattern, data.flags, data.rWith, callback);
case 'unparsedreplace':
unparsedReplace(data.str, data.pattern, data.flags, data.rWith, callback);
postMessage({err: 'Unknown command: ' + data.cmd});
return ret; // return object containing synchronous functions as a fallback.