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*{{Oppose|strongest}} there is soo many reasons for me to go on and on about zippy, however i will try to stay as breif as i can, while you may think his actions should Not carry over i believe it  should in the past he has told users to go raid a wiki [https://ibb.co/mNqtfw1 link here], and has also raided a wiki while being a system admin in the past  with inappropriate images  Ruining the wiki [https://ibb.co/CPtKnPb link here]    [https://ibb.co/gzxgyFk and link 2]  with this all being said zippy has recently abused multiple accounts on the wiki farm filmpedia.us and  his actions are  being ignored while everyone believes im responsible for sockpuppeting, (False) you are claiming  zippy is all innocent and im not, i must also mention that user agent isnt always accurate and therefore the proof against me is hereby invalid  [https://www.google.com/search?q=is+user+agent+accurate&sca_esv=1ba2041d0738a613&sxsrf=ACQVn09Bxvas8BcXZbmYkmUIC0u5UjTKZw%3A1708353347201&source=hp&ei=Q2fTZaWxCfeKur8PnISDiAY&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZdN1U31nMNeJldf3BuYqI_iLXcDlmAa-&oq=is+user+agent&gs_lp=Egdnd3 please see this link for more information]  i will also mention zippy in the past has also said he was gonna invoice me for the work he has done while being a system admin which was volunteer work and was never told the service was gonna be invoiced,  he threaten to take me to court in dms. zippybonzo has also manipulated globe AKA X many times recently zippy requested a link to the filmpedia discord server which being  banned  and has sent multiple accounts into the server spamming  it.   
*{{Oppose|strongest}} there is soo many reasons for me to go on and on about zippy, however i will try to stay as breif as i can, while you may think his actions should Not carry over i believe it  should in the past he has told users to go raid a wiki [https://ibb.co/mNqtfw1 link here], and has also raided a wiki while being a system admin in the past  with inappropriate images  Ruining the wiki [https://ibb.co/CPtKnPb link here]    [https://ibb.co/gzxgyFk and link 2]  with this all being said zippy has recently abused multiple accounts on the wiki farm filmpedia.us and  his actions are  being ignored while everyone believes im responsible for sockpuppeting, (False) you are claiming  zippy is all innocent and im not, i must also mention that user agent isnt always accurate and therefore the proof against me is hereby invalid  [https://www.google.com/search?q=is+user+agent+accurate&sca_esv=1ba2041d0738a613&sxsrf=ACQVn09Bxvas8BcXZbmYkmUIC0u5UjTKZw%3A1708353347201&source=hp&ei=Q2fTZaWxCfeKur8PnISDiAY&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZdN1U31nMNeJldf3BuYqI_iLXcDlmAa-&oq=is+user+agent&gs_lp=Egdnd3 please see this link for more information]  i will also mention zippy in the past has also said he was gonna invoice me for the work he has done while being a system admin which was volunteer work and was never told the service was gonna be invoiced,  he threaten to take me to court in dms. zippybonzo has also manipulated globe AKA X many times recently zippy requested a link to the filmpedia discord server which being  banned  and has sent multiple accounts into the server spamming  it.   
  he has also posted  nonsense into the server,  and the server link was once again provided by globe by his request  WHile of course user agent might not be valid proof i still have a reason to beleve zippy is behind the multiple accounts used to sock the wiki including "Coconutworst owner" and a few others i  wont mention at this time, with all this being said i being said  zippy had a negative opinion towaards me as a owner of filmpedia.us and therefore has a valid reason for me to believe he is  behind the sockpuppeting of filmpedia.us and his other actions. i  wouldnt recommend unblocking his account at all. --[[User:Cocopuff2018|Cocopuff2018]] ([[User talk:Cocopuff2018|talk]]) 14:48, 19 February 2024 (UTC)
  he has also posted  nonsense into the server,  and the server link was once again provided by globe by his request  WHile of course user agent might not be valid proof i still have a reason to beleve zippy is behind the multiple accounts used to sock the wiki including "Coconutworst owner" and a few others i  wont mention at this time, with all this being said i   zippy had is the only one with a negative opinion towards me as a owner of filmpedia.us and therefore has a valid reason for me to believe he is  behind the sockpuppeting of filmpedia.us and his other actions. i  wouldn't recommend unblocking his account at all. --[[User:Cocopuff2018|Cocopuff2018]] ([[User talk:Cocopuff2018|talk]]) 14:48, 19 February 2024 (UTC)